In case you have not noticed, a consistent theme throughout my writing is the preparation of organizations for those occasions when another entity takes legal action against them. You will see that in my writing on information governance, on managing successful projects, and on e-discovery in general. Planning is the first of the five Ps I know I’m beginning to...
As far as I can tell, at the most basic level, all organizations exist to do two things: activities intended to sustain daily operations, and activities designed to improve and grow the business. I don’t know any organization in which the purpose or goal is to drive the business into the ground. For clarity, the first of these things, operations,...
Most CEOs and corporate leaders would say that a core mission of any company is to maximize shareholder value and/or protect the company’s assets. With nearly every “document” in the world being created on a computer today and a company’s information clearly being one if it’s assets, why wouldn’t information governance or, as they say in corporate legal circles, compliance,...
I think GDPR is a Movement If you’re data footprint on the world is anything like mine, in recent weeks you’ve been bombarded by updates to data privacy policies from every company or site that has your email address. Frankly, I don’t think I’ve seen movement on an legal issue like this since the Y2K panic nearly 20 years ago....
Paralegals are definitely project managers. Whether you’re traveling a long distance, going on a short road trip, or just heading out to buy dinner, the most important piece of information you need is where you’re going, right? To figure out how you are going to get somewhere, you must know your destination. While this is more difficult as we traverse...